
Ministry of Social Development receives a copy of the Accreditation Standards for Social Care Homes


The Ministry of Social Development received on Tuesday a copy of the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Standards for Shelter Home Services prepared by the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA).
The accreditation standards were the fruit of a cooperation between NCFA, the Ministry, UN Organizations in Jordan (UNICEF, UNFPA, and UNHCR) and Health Institutions Accreditation Council aimed at institutionalizing home shelter services (juveniles, elderly, social protection, begging and orphans) so that regulations, procedures and rules that govern and determine the quality of the programs are well-defined and regulated to comply with international and national standards and guidelines in a manner that ensures the provision of services that meet the needs of beneficiaries and preserve their rights.
Ministry of Social Development Secretary-General, Omar Hamzah stated that the Ministry will start implementing and following-up on the new standards through its technical departments such as Juvenile Care, Social Security, Family Protection, Begging Combating Unit and Institutional Development Department.
NCFA's Deputy Secretary-General Mohammad Miqdady called for giving more attention to shelter homes by institutionalizing their work to meet international and national standards in this regard to ensure that services meet the needs of beneficiaries and protect their rights. This, as Miqdady stated, is in realization of the recommendation of the Review and Evaluation Committee for the Social Care Sector (formed by the Ministry of Social Development in 2012 to evaluate the work of shelter homes) which included the development of accreditation and quality control standards that can contribute to the enactment of regulations, rules and procedures for shelter home service delivery. They also included monitoring the performance of shelter homes rigorously to guarantee the safety, efficiency, suitability and effectiveness of the services and programs presented to their beneficiaries.